Sunday, April 17, 2011

Size matters

We interrupt the normally scheduled wedding blogging to bring this psuedo-wedding related vent session.  Please feel free to navigate from this page until the normal blogging has resumed.

It's wedding season.  It also happens to be "get ready for the beach" season.  Both of these things combine to bring a giant hot mess. 

All I see these days is a whole lot of advertisements telling us women that we aren't pretty enough or thin enough.  And seriously, it makes me sick.  Planning a wedding should be fun!  The dress you buy should be made to fit your body, not the other way around.  And honestly, your fiance is marrying you for you, not for the you that is 20 pounds lighter. 

Don't get me wrong, I like working out.  Going to the gym and staying active helps me stay sane and I feel better about myself when I'm living an active lifestyle.  So I get the concept of wanting to be fit and healthy.  And I understand wanting to look good on your wedding day, and thinking that those last 5 pounds will do that for you. 

But here's where my issue comes in. 

This is just gross.  And unnecessary.  But society drives us to want to look like these impossibly thin models who eat rice cakes and splenda for lunch.  All I'm saying is I'd like to see commercials and advertisements that are celebrating women's beauty and not offering us 50% off of liposuction if we act in the next 10 minutes. 

Eating disorders are a real thing.  A very sad, real thing.  And the sadder part about it, is with all the technology that's available to us now, we can very quickly get onto websites that tell us how to be anorexic and hide it from our families.  Communities of people that praise each other for getting below a healthy BMI.  Friends who help each other "stay on track" by keeping below 500 calories a day.  All I have to say is, what is wrong with this world?  What is wrong with people?  Don't we brides-to-be have enough pressure on us without the added stress?   Ughh.

But the reality is that we all do it.  We all look in the mirror and see something about ourselves we don't like.  Maybe it's your thighs or your hair.  Maybe it's your nose or your arms.  We all do it.  And we all want to look good in those pictures that will be posted on your walls for the next 60 years.  But, I've never seen a bride who didn't look gorgeous on her wedding day.  Whether you are size 2 or size 32, you have reason to celebrate.  You are getting married!  You and another person are choosing to spend the rest of your lives together  And that, my friends, has nothing to do with the size of your jeans.

For those of you who stayed with me, thanks for reading and letting me vent.

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