Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Event Insurance: Is it worth the money?

Sorry for the lack of posting.  My life has gotten considerably more busy so it's been tough to sit down for a moment and collect my thoughts.  But, rest assured, I'm still in full swing planning mode.  So what project am I working on currently?  Well, if you ask theknot.com, my checklist has about 53 overdue items.  So, I'm really trying to figure out how much of those things REALLY need to be done right now and how many can wait just a little bit longer.  Needless to say, there are quite a few things on that list that probably should be done sooner rather than later.  So, I'm multitasking.

One thing that we are researching right now is Wedding/Event insurance.  Our venue recommends it and it's not super expensive or anything, but I'm just not sure if it's a cost that is really all that important.  I understand that if something happens to my dress or if a vendor goes suddenly out of business, our insurance kicks in and covers our butts.  But what if we're paying money for something that's already covered by our vendors?  I mean, even though our venue recommends it, if their roof caves in because of hail, certainly they have insurance to cover that.  I guess it just protects our investment so that if a tornado picks up our venue and moves it from Georgia to France we're not stuck on 6 hour plane ride so we can still get married without losing all of our money. 

So what's your advice?  Would you purchase the insurance?  Or if you're already married, did you purchase the insurance?  What made you decide the way you did?

1 comment:

  1. Our wedding venue burnt to the ground, so yeah, I'm a big advocate of event insurance :) We ended up using the venue as it was "almost" rebuilt, but there were some things that happened along the way that would have allowed us to use the insurance if things hadn't went according to our Plan B. Things can happen--very, very unexpected things.
