Seriously, you guys. I am so so thankful that we got the protection plan at Zales when we got my engagement ring.
About 2 weeks ago I took my ring in for its semi-annual inspection. That's part of the deal at Zales. They'll replace any diamond if it falls out, fix the prongs, replate, resize, etc. as many times as you need to for the lifetime of your jewelry. As long as you have it inspected every 6 months.
So we're off to a good start. I took the ring in on the 6 month mark and they took my precious away from me for awhile. But all for a good cause. You see, when I had the ring resized back in November, it came back to me sort of misshapen. It thinned out in the back and it just didn't look very nice. So while I had to give my ring up for awhile, I figured I'd have it fixed since the bill was on Zales anyway. Fastforward 10 days to last Friday. We got the call, the ring was in! Super excited me and FI drove up to Zales to pick up my ring and it looked amazing! They even replated it while they had it, just for good customer service. Couldn't have asked for better.
But oh, the story just doesn't end there. Monday morning, I woke up to get ready for work and I looked down at my shiny like new ring, and to my shock and surpise, a diamond was missing! That's right, missing. Two short days after we got the ring back from the expert jeweler a diamond had fallen out of my ring. Now, I know that I have the protection plan so I really shouldn't worry. And I wasn't worried really. More... annoyed. Yes, annoyed. I had to drive all the way back to Zales to have them replace a diamond. And give up my ring for another 2 weeks at least!
But I did it. Today we took the ring to Zales to have it fixed. And to my surprise, they really didn't give me a hard time about it. They almost seemed as disappointed about the loss of the diamond as I was. So now, I'm ringless. But I had to tell you all that the protection plan was so worth it. Even for a small diamond like the one that fell out, it would be costly, for sure.
Any of you ever lose a diamond? What did you do about it?
Hi Ms Coffeebean! I thought I'd share something I just learned - did you know that Zales has a diamond bond guarantee? Even if you don't buy the protection plan, and lose a stone, they will replace it with a stone of equal or better value. This is only if your inspections are up to date. For any additional work like reshaping, resizing, plating, etc, yeah, you need the LPP. But I really think their diamond bond guarantee is cool. - Dana